Traditional Chiropractic Adjustments With Gentle Neck Adjustment Options
Chiropractic adjustments consist of applying manual force to targeted vertebrae and joints to restore normal body function. Your spinal vertebrae are supposed to be in alignment at all times for your body to function optimally, but when they are out of alignment, you can experience a range of different symptoms, including pain. Many people have a fear about getting their neck adjusted. That is why in addition to offering traditional chiropractic adjustments for the whole spine that work for some, we also offer gentle neck adjustments including the NUCCA and Blair techniques. With those neck adjustments there is no twisting, cracking or popping. We have people that drive from all areas of Florida for the techniques that we practice.
When the chiropractor adjusts your spinal vertebrae, pressure will be relieved from any affected nerves and tissues, which will, in turn, relieve pain and improve your mobility and range of motion.
Spinal adjustments sound like they would be painful, but most people report feeling little to no discomfort because the audible cracks you hear are just gas escaping. If you are nervous about the sound adjustments make, we have gentle techniques available that you don’t hear the popping and cracking noises during the adjustment.
With regular chiropractic visits, your vertebrae will stay in place longer. Your symptoms will improve to the point that you can move freely and without pain like you used to.
If you are looking for a non-surgical and drug-free solution to a painful condition, chiropractic care in Delray Beach FL may be just what you need. Learn more about how chiropractic can help restore health and function call us to schedule a free consultation.
There’s no reason for you to suffer from painful joints, tissues, and nerves when a proven treatment method is just a phone call away. Chiropractic care has been used for decades to help reduce a range of different painful conditions.
Some of the conditions that can be successfully treated by a skilled chiropractor include:
- Whiplash
- Back pain
- Neck pain
- Hip pain
- Joint pain
- Sciatica
- Fibromyalgia
- Herniated disc
- Shoulder pain
- Elbow pain
- Migraines
- Knee pain
- Ligament and cartilage damage
- Arthritis
- Degenerative disc disease
- Tendonitis
- Pinched nerves
- And more

If you’d like to learn more about our chiropractic care, get in touch with us today and schedule a free consultation.

When you work with our chiropractors, we will help develop a treatment plan to help you find long-term pain relief. Unlike conventional pain relief treatments, we aren’t interested in prescribing any medications.
Instead, we use chiropractic adjustments and other complementary therapies to help you find the long-lasting pain relief you need.
Of course, there are several other benefits to chiropractic care that go beyond pain relief.
Some of the most common benefits include:
- Improved range of motion and mobility in a variety of joints
- Improve blood circulation
- Improved muscular strength and flexibility
- Quicker recovery times
- Less inflammation
- Improved sleep quality
- Better immune system function
- Improved function of the internal organs
- Better athletic performance
- Improved nerve system function
- Reduced inflammation
- Greater sense of well being
With regular chiropractic treatments, you can improve your overall health and improve your life in a variety of ways.
There’s definitely something to be said for having good mobility and range of motion and being comfortable in your own body, and these are some things that chiropractic care can help you achieve.
Gentle chiropractic adjustments help to realign your spine and relieve pressure on compressed nerves that may be causing you pain on a daily basis.
Pain and poor range of motion affect your quality of life negatively, but with regular chiropractic visits, you can regain control and start living life on your own terms once again.
Chiropractic adjustments consist of applying manual force to targeted vertebrae and joints to restore normal body function. Your spinal vertebrae are supposed to be in alignment at all times for your body to function optimally, but when they are out of alignment, you can experience a range of different symptoms, including pain.
When the chiropractor adjusts your spinal vertebrae, pressure will be relieved from any affected nerves and tissues, which will, in turn, relieve pain and improve your mobility and range of motion.
Spinal adjustments sound like they would be painful, but most people report feeling little to no discomfort because the audible cracks you hear are just gas escaping.
With regular chiropractic visits, your vertebrae will stay in place longer. Your symptoms will improve to the point that you can move freely and without pain like you used to.
NUCCA and Blair Upper Cervical Chiropractic Techniques
In addition to traditional chiropractic, Dr. Schrier has trained in NUCCA and Blair upper cervical techniques. NUCCA and Blair chiropractic measure the first two bones in the neck, the Atlas and Axis, to the skull. Where the skull meets the neck is a vital part of the nervous system. The atlas bone surrounds the brainstem. If there is any misalignment to the atlas, it causes a chain reaction causing compensations to the rest of the spine. When the atlas is out of alignment it can cause many different symptoms. Some are neck pain, vertigo, TMJ, brain fog, chronic fatigue, poor sleep, low back pain, sciatica, and anxiety. The NUCCA and Blair measurements are obtained by taking 3 X-ray views to create a 3D measurement of the misalignment. The adjustments are very precise but gentle. With the NUCCA and Blair techniques, there is no twisting, cracking, or popping. Patients love the gentleness of the adjustment.
Contact us today at Schrier Family Chiropractic to learn more!
8:15am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:15am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:15am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
8:15am - 12:00pm
2:30pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Schrier Family Chiropractic
111 SE 1st Ave #102
Delray Beach, FL 33444